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FIGURE 89 - C haracteristics of Real G ases as a Function of FlowEnthalpy for Various Pressure Ratios Entropy,W here S, R Have the Units of Btu/m ole-°R

标准号:AIR1168/11A   标准名称:      


FIGURE 1 - Typical B
FIGURE 2-Isentropic
FIGURE 3 - Normal Sh
FIGURE 4-Pressure Ra
FIGURE 5-Temperature
FIGURE 6-Mach Number
FIGURE 7-Two-Dimensi
FIGURE 8-Real Gas Te
FIGURE 9-Real Gas Pr
FIGURE 10-Real Gas D
FIGURE 11-Frozen Flo
FIGURE 12-Modified N
FIGURE 13-Prandtl-Me
FIGURE 14-Cone Surfa
FIGURE 15-Cone Surfa
FIGURE 16-Mach Numbe
FIGURE 17-Real Gas C
FIGURE 18-Real Gas C
FIGURE 19-Property R
FIGURE 20-Reynvids N
FIGURE 21-Flow Field
FIGURE 22-Example of
FIGURE 23-Viscosity
FIGURE 24-Thermal Co
FIGURE 25-Laminar Ad
FIGURE 26-Turbulent
FIGURE 27-Reference
FIGURE 28-Air Compre
FIGURE 29 - Lam ina
FIGURE 31 - Blunt
FIGURE 32 - Blunted
FIGURE 33 - Blunte
FIGURE 34 - Blunte
TABLE 1 - Values o
FIGURE 35 - Sketch
FIGURE 36 - Sketch
FIGURE 37 - Bounda
FIGURE 38 - Typical
FIGURE 39 - A tm o
FIGURE 40 - Altitude
FIGURE 41 - Maximu
FIGURE 42 - Heat Flu
formula 4
formula 5
formula 6
FIGURE 46 - Heat Fl
FIGURE 47 - Flight P
FIGURE 49 - Polar En
FIGURE 50 - Com par
FIGURE 51 - Typical
FIGURE 52 - Flight T
FIGURE 53 - Eastwa
FIGURE 54 - Polar
FIGURE 55 - W estwa
FIGURE 56 - Polar
FIGURE 57 - Polar En
FIGURE 58 - Altitude
FIGURE 59 - Heat Flu
FIGURE 60 - Maxim um
FIGURE 61- Heat Flux
FIGURE 62 - Zones of
FIGURE 63A - Struct
FIGURE 63B - Radiati
FIGURE 64 - Effect o
FIG URE 65 - Variati
FIGURE 66 - Stagnati
FIGURE 67 - Heat Sin
FIGURE 68 - Effectiv
FIGURE 69 - V apor P
FIGURE 70 - Ablation
FIGURE 71 - Perform
FIGURE 72 - Therm os
FIGURE 73 - Entry He
FIGURE 74 - Schem
FIGURE 75 - Entry
FIGURE 76 - Represen
FIGURE 77 - Represen
FIGURE 78 - Density
FIGURE 79 - Pressure
FIGURE 80 - Tem pera
FIGURE 81 - Entry Ve
FIGURE 82 - Entry An
FIGURE 83 - Lifting
FIGURE 84 - C harac
FIGURE 85 - C haract
FIGURE 86 - C haract
FIGURE 87 - C haract
FIGURE 88 - C haract
FIGURE 90 - C haract
FIGURE 91 - Characte
FIGURE 92 - Characte
FIGURE 93 - Normal S
FIGURE 94 - Normal S
FIGURE 95 - Normal S
FIGURE 96 - Stagnati
FIGURE 97 - Stagnati
FIGURE 98 - Speed of
FIGURE 99 - Hyperson
FIGURE 100 - Hyperso
FIGURE 101 - Exam pl