The prediction of vehicle tem peratures during ascent through the earth’s atm osphere requires an
accurate knowledge of the aerodynam ic heating rates occurring at the vehicle surface. Flight
param eters required in heating calculations include the local airstream velocity, pressure, and
tem perature at the boundary layer edge for the vehicle location in question. In addition,
therm odynam ic and transport air properties are required at these conditions.
Both lam inar and turbulent boundary layers occur during the boost trajectory. Experience has
shown that lam inar and turbulent heating are of equivalent im portance. Lam inar heating
predom inates in im portance in the stagnation areas, but the large afterbody surfaces are most
strongly affected by turbulent heating. Once the local flow conditions and corresponding air
properties have been obtained, the convective heating rate may be calculated for a particular wall
tem perature. This assum es that the boundary layer flow regim e (that is, turbulent, laminar, or
transitory) has also been established, so that a heating theory corresponding to the particular flow
conditions may be selected.
This section presents theoretical methods for com puting boost vehicle surface aerodynam ic
heating rates. First, procedures are given for com puting the local flow distributions around the
vehicle. Second, methods are given for com puting the convective heating rates, using the flow
param eters found previously.