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JAUS Transport Considerations
JAUS Transport Considerations
【范围】 This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) discusses characteristics of data communications for the Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS). This document provides guidance on the aspects of transport media, unmanned systems and the characteristics of JAUS itself that are relevant to the definition of a JAUS transport specification. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to facilitate interoperation of unmanned vehicle systems, subsystems, and payloads by indicating relevant characteristics of transport media, unmanned systems and of JAUS itself, so that new transport standards may conform to expected performance. 1.2 JAUS Document Organization The Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS) defines a suite of standards for use in the research, development, design, acquisition and deployment of Unmanned Systems. The JAUS Standards are divided into four essential scopes: the Domain Model, the Reference Architecture, the Transport Specification, and the Compliance Specification. Each scope is individually documented. 1.2.1 Domain Model The Domain Model [JAUS-DM] is an abstract model of operational requirements that must be supported by a given unmanned system. This model is a tool to be used by a developer of an unmanned system to better understand the requirements of the acquirer of that unmanned system. The Domain Model is written in language understandable by both the developer and the acquirer. This line of documents is also known as the Architecture Framework for Unmanned Systems, or AFUS. 1.2.2 Reference Architecture The Reference Architecture [JAUS-RA] is the technical specification used to implement unmanned systems in compliance with the JAUS standards and to assess technical compliance with the Standard. The most recent version of the Reference Architecture [JAUS-RA] is itself divided into three major sections: the Architecture Framework, the Message Definition, and the Message Set. Architecture Framework The Architecture Framework volume of the Reference Architecture provides a description of the structure of systems based on the Reference Architecture. This document serves as the primary mapping of Domain Model requirements to the JAUS message set. Message Definition The Message Definition volume of the Reference Architecture specifies the current JAUS message header and the types of messages employed. This document focuses on the rules of messaging as opposed to the domain-specific semantics contained in the message set. The JAUS message header defined by this document is an application-layer header, and is specified without reference to any particular transport medium. JAUS Transport Standards note how implementations may make use of certain fields within this header to provide more efficient communications. However, transport implementations are not required to do so in order to maintain correctness or interoperability. Message Set The Message Set volume of the Reference Architecture specifies the domain-specific messages and their exact content. 1.2.3 Transport JAUS Transport defines communication services for JAUS messages. These services are the means by which messages are conveyed from one JAUS entity to another. There are currently two documents relevant to the discussion of JAUS message transport: the JAUS Transport Considerations Report (this document) and the JAUS Transport Specification [JAUS-TS]. JAUS Transport Considerations Report The JAUS Transport Considerations report (this document) discusses aspects of transport media, unmanned systems and widely used transport protocols, as well as characteristics of JAUS itself. This document then identifies characteristics of concern in the implementation of a compliant and efficient JAUS Transport standard. In this respect, this document serves as a meta-specification – in effect specifying the standards for a JAUS Transport standard. This document may also be viewed as a summary of “lessons learned” by individuals involved in communications in unmanned systems. As the use of unmanned systems increases, this report will be updated and revised, as the experience of deploying more numerous, more autonomous unmanned systems increases. JAUS Transport Specification The JAUS Transport Specification [JAUS-TS] defines a family of transports for conveying JAUS messages between different JAUS entities via different link-layer implementation technologies. These transports are designed to incorporate the concerns outlined in the JAUS Transport Considerations Report. 1.2.4 Compliance Specification The Compliance Specification [JAUS-CMP] defines compliance with JAUS. Since JAUS is a message-based architecture, compliance with JAUS is assessed by verifying that the message traffic between JAUS entities satisfies the definitions and requirements of the JAUS standards. 1.3 Field of Application The Field of Application for the Transport Considerations report is data communications between nodes on a computer network.strRefField


ACKGenerally, a byte or message sent to acknowledge successful receipt of a packet or message. Specifically, the ASCII control character octet of value 0x06.
ADCCPADCCP is an ANSI standard derived from IBM’s SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control). As such, ADCCP is a bit-oriented synchronous data-link layer protocol, and is very similar to the ISO HDLC (High-level data link control) standard, which also derives from SDLC.
ANSIANSI is a non-governmental, non-profit standards organization, overseeing the development and administration of technical standards in the United States. ANSI is the official U.S. representative to the ISO.
ARQA transport protocol is said to be an ARQ protocol if it uses positive and negative acknowledgements and sender timeouts, and further employs packet replacement on request to overcome packet loss or corruption over noisy or unreliable channels.
ASCIIASCII is a character encoding for digital representation of the English alphabet, for representation of text in computers and digital communications.
CRCAn error check algorithm based on polynomial division over a binary field.
CRC-CCITTA specific CRC, defined by its polynomial, initial conditions for accumulation, and terminal conditions, as defined by ITU Recommendation X.25 (which was once CCITT recommendation X.25).
CPPPA variant of PPP (point-to-point protocol) incorporating a form of TCP header compression (Van Jacobsen header compression).
CSLIPA variant of SLIP (serial line internet protocol) incorporating a form of TCP header compression (Van Jacobsen header compression).
DHCPDHCP is a protocol (set of rules) used by network clients to obtain an IP address and other networking parameters (such as the subnet mask and the IP addresses of DNS servers and default gateway) from a server providing network management services.
DLEAn ASCII control character, an octet of value 0x10, this character is used in the implementation of data transparent protocols such as those consistent with [X3.28].
DNSA fundamental element of internet infrastructure, the Domain Name System translates human- readable hostnames to IP addresses.
EMIInterference by electromagnetic signals that can cause reduced data integrity and increased error rates on communication channels.
FIFOThis term describes a simple queuing technique in which requests, data, or processes are handled in order of arrival; the term also is used as a noun, describing an instance or implementation of a queuing mechanism with that handling behavior.
HMISee “OCU – Operator Control Unit”
IANAThe IANA is responsible for assignment of IP addresses, top level domains and Internet protocol code point allocations (such as port assignments). The IANA assignment data is maintained on the IANA website, http://www.iana.org.
IETFThe engineering body responsible for technical specifications, definitions and direction for the continued development of internet technologies.
IPThe internet layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite stack defining the packet format for message packets to be sent across an internet, and the protocol for delivering those packets to their intended destination. The protocol is Internet Protocol (IP); the packet defined is the IP datagram. See [RFC791].
IPSThe protocol suite defines network communications using the TCP/IP family of protocols.
ISOA non-governmental organization that leverages the activities of the national standards organizations of 146 countries, ISO is the largest developer of technical standards in the world.
JAUSA suite of standards used in the research, development, design, acquisition and deployment of Unmanned Systems.
JPEGThis committee created a standard of the same name, defining means of encoding and compressing image data into a stream of bytes, and of decompressing that stream into an image; both lossy and lossless compression techniques are defined. The standard also defines the file formats for storing the stream of bytes.
MSNA unique identifying “serial number” assigned to packets as transmitted; the MSN is typically used in the detection of missed messages, in providing assurance of correct sequence of delivery, and in the requesting of retries when multiple outstanding messages are supported.
MTUThe Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) is a term for the size of the largest datagram that can be passed by a layer of a communications protocol.
NAKGenerally, a byte or message sent to indicate unsuccessful receipt or non-receipt of a packet or message. Specifically, the ASCII control character octet of value 0x15.
OCUA device by means of which a human operator may control an Unmanned System.
OSIA data communications model developed by ISO to assure communications interoperability across disparate systems.
PDUAn application message (for the purposes of this specification, this will be assumed to be a JAUS message) being propagated down the protocol stack on the sender side, or up the protocol stack on the receiver side.
PPPAn encapsulation protocol for sending IP datagrams across serial communications links, PPP also incorporates strong blockchecks, control protocols and a high degree of configurability. [RFC1661]
RFElectromagnetic energy or signaling based thereon whose frequency is normally associated with radio wave propagation.
SLIPAn encapsulation protocol for sending IP datagrams across serial communications links. [RFC1055]
TCPA reliable, connection-oriented message delivery protocol defined by [RFC793] and related IETF documents.
UAVAn unmanned aerial vehicle; may be teleoperated or autonomous.
UGVAn unmanned ground vehicle; may be teleoperated or autonomous.
USVAn unmanned surface-of-water vehicle; may be teleoperated or autonomous.
UUVAn unmanned undersea vehicle; may be teleoperated or autonomous.
UDPAn unreliable best-effort connectionless message delivery protocol defined by [RFC768] and related IETF documents.
XMLA general purpose markup language providing users the ability to define their own tags. XML is a simplified subset of an earlier markup language, SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language).


JAUS Working Group
SAE AS-4B & JAUS Working Group
JAUS Working Group and SAE Aerospace Committee AS-4 Unmanned Systems
JAUS Working Group
American National Standards Institute
Information Sciences Institute
Information Sciences Institute
International Telecommunication Union
National Academy of Sciences
RFC-1950 ZLIB 3.3 Specification. Defines a lossless compressed data format. The format currently uses the DEFLATE compression method.
RFC-1951 DEFLATE 1.3 Specification Defines a lossless compressed data format that compresses data using a combination of the LZ77 algorithm and Huffman coding
RFC-1952 GZIP 4.3 Specification Defines a lossless compressed data format that is compatible with the widely used GZIP utility. The format currently uses the DEFLATE compression method.
] Stevens
Architecture Framework for Unmanned Systems


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JAUS History and Domain Model
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