1.1 Scope
This SAE International Aerospace Standard covers requirements for micrometer adjustable, feel impulse, torque
wrenches. The torque wrench is used to apply a pre-set torque to threaded fasteners and other torque requirements.
1.2 Classification
Torque wrenches covered by this specification shall be one of the following types and classifications, as specified.
Type I Bi-directional torque wrench
Class 1 Non-ratchet head (precise clockwise torque)
Class 2 Ratchet head (precise clockwise torque)
Class 3 Non-ratchet head (precise counter-clockwise torque)
Class 4 Ratchet head (precise counter-clockwise torque)
Class 5 Interchangeable head (precise clockwise torque)
Class 6 Interchangeable head (precise counter-clockwise torque)
Type II Uni-directional torque wrench
Class 1 Non-ratchet head (precise clockwise torque)
Class 2 Ratchet head (precise clockwise torque)
Class 3 Non-ratchet head (precise counter-clockwise torque)
Class 4 Ratchet head (precise counter-clockwise torque)
Class 5 Interchangeable head (precise clockwise torque)
Class 6 Interchangeable head (precise counter-clockwise torque)
1.2.1 Class Accuracy
Type I bi-directional torque wrenches shall have an accuracy of ±4% in the precise torque direction, and ±6% in the
opposite direction, and shall signal in both directions.
Type II uni-directional torque wrenches shall have an accuracy of ±4% in the precise torque direction, and shall signal in
the precise torque direction.
1.2.2 Accuracy
Torque accuracy is defined as the difference between the applied torque and the pre-set torque divided by the pre-set
torque expressed as a percentage.strRefField