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Installed Outdoor Engine Testing
Installed Outdoor Engine Testing
【范围】 1.1 Introduction: This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) was written because of the growing interest in aircraft installed outdoor engine testing by the Federal Aviation Administration, airlines, charter/commercial operators, cargo carriers, engine manufacturers and overhaul and repair stations. This document was developed by a broad cross section of personnel from the aviation industry and government agencies and includes information obtained from a survey of a variety of operators of fixed and rotary wing aircraft and research of aircraft and engine maintenance manuals. 1.2 Purpose: This document will provide aircraft operators with an overview of current industry on-the-wing engine test practices including advantages/disadvantages derived, test criteria, capabilities of remote ground based test data acquisition/instrumentation and on board condition monitoring systems, aircraft installation effects, and a general discussion of procedures, data, equipment and personnel required to perform safe, accurate, on-the-wing engine tests. This information is provided as a guide to help operators decide to initiate, improve, expand or cease performing installed engine testing.strRefField


Aircraft Accessory Drag Torque During Engine Starts
Electromagnetic Interference on Aircraft From Jet Engine Charging
Performance of Low Pressure Ratio Ejectors for Engine Nacelle Cooling
Construction and Calibration of Parallel Plate Transmission Line for Electromagnetic Interference Susceptibility Testing
Methods of Achieving Electromagnetic Compatibility of Gas Turbine Engine Accessories, for Self-Propelled Vehicles
Flexure Testing of Hydraulic Tubing Joints and Fittings by Planar Resonant Vibration (Free-Free Beam)
The Coanda/Refraction Concept for Gas Turbine Engine Test Cell Noise Suppression
(R) A Guide to Aircraft Turbine Engine Vibration Monitoring Systems
Twin Engine Helicopter Power Requirements


Engine Test Requirem
Advantages of On-The
Disadvantages of On-
Alameda Chocks
Turbulence Control S
Power Plant Test Lis
(Sheet 1) - Example
(Sheet 2) - Example
(Sheet 3) - Example
Example Data Sheet f
Example Performance
Example Performance
Example Performance
Example Performance
Maximum Permissible
Maximum Permissible
Typical Design Requi
Typical Design Requi
Typical Design Requi
Typical Design Requi
Typical Design Requi
Typical Flight Line
Typical Turbofan/Jet
Typical Engine On-Bo
Inlet and Exhaust Da
Forward Thrust at Ta
Turboprop Aircraft E
Helicopter Main and
formula 1
formula 2


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