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Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) System Design Checklist
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) System Design Checklist
【范围】 1.1 This checklist is to be used by project personnel to assure that factors required for adequate system electromagnetic compatibility are considered and incorporated into a program. It provides a ready reference of EMC management and documentation requirements for a particular program from preproposal thru acquisition. When considered with individual equipments comprising the system and the electromagnetic operational environment in which the system will operate, the checklist will aid in the preparation of an EMC analysis. The analysis will facilitate the development of system- dependent EMC criteria and detailed system, subsystem, and equipment design requirements ensuring electromagnetic compatibility. 1.2 It should be noted that all subjects are not covered and that all items listed may not be required on a given program.strRefField


Index of Starting System Specifications and Standards
Index of Starting System Specifications and Standards


Electromagnetic Interference on Aircraft From Jet Engine Charging
Index of Starting System Specifications and Standards
(R) Control of Water Carryover from the Environmental Control System and Condensation on the Structure
Construction and Calibration of Parallel Plate Transmission Line for Electromagnetic Interference Susceptibility Testing
Anti Blow-By Design Practice for Cap Seals
Identification and Coding of Fluid and Electrical Piping System Functions
Airline Tow Tractor - Baggage/Cargo Factors for Design Consideration
Aircraft Fuel System Vapor-Liquid Ratio Parameter
(R) Electrical Connectors and Wiring, Compatibility of
Oxygen System Maintenance Guide


Sample Tabulation


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