This document is a result of the desire for interoperability of modules on a Pi-Bus. This standard is a stand
alone document that used the Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) Phase 2, Interoperability
Standard PI-Bus Specification 2.2, as a starting point.
1.1 Purpose:
This standard defines a bus and module interface to the Pi-Bus. This standard specifies the
requirements/functions for the Pi-Bus side of a Bus Interface Unit (BIU) needed to facilitate the
interoperability of modules on a Pi-Bus for avionics systems. The corresponding software/device side
interface requirements are not specified in this standard.
1.2 Field of Application:
The Pi-Bus is intended to provide a Master-Slave communications path for transferring digital messages
between a set of up to 32 modules residing on a single backplane.
1.3 Classification:
Bus configurations and modules which conform to this standard are specified in Table 1:
1.3 (Continued):
Buses and modules shall be classified according to their maximum capabilities. Bus sequences shall be
classified according to the Type or Class of transfer actually used.
All modules and buses shall be capable of operating in Type 16, Class ED mode.
1.3.1 16 ED Mode: A 16 ED module shall be configurable to operate on one of two separate 16 ED buses.
The module shall be capable of participating in 16 ED Vie and message sequences.
1.3.2 32 EC Nonmixed Mode: A 32 EC nonmixed mode module shall be configurable to operate in either a
16 ED configuration or a 32 EC nonmixed mode configuration. In a 16 ED configuration, it shall operate
as a 16 ED module. In the 32 EC nonmixed mode configuration, it shall operate on a single error
correction bus (which contains only modules operating in 32 EC nonmixed mode) using 32 EC Vie and
message sequences.
1.3.3 32 EC Mixed Mode: A 32 EC mixed mode module shall be configurable to operate in one of two
configurations. The first configuration is the 32 EC nonmixed mode configuration.
In the second configuration, it shall be capable of performing 16 ED Vie, 16 ED message and 32 EC
message sequences, to allow interoperation of 16 ED modules and 32 EC mixed mode modules. In this
configuration, the module shall be configurable to operate on one of two separate 16 ED buses as well
as a 32 EC bus. A 32 EC mixed mode module operating in the second configuration will not be
interoperable with a 32 EC nonmixed mode module operating in the 32 EC configuration. This
configuration shall use the format bit, DF<0>, and DC<0> to determine which message Type (i.e., 16
ED or 32 EC) sequence to perform.strRefField