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Photometric and Colorimetric Measurement Procedures for Airborne Direct View CRT Displays
Photometric and Colorimetric Measurement Procedures for Airborne Direct View CRT Displays
【范围】 This ARP describes methods for measuring the visual performance of direct view cathode ray tube displays used in aircraft flight decks and cockpits. Procedures may vary depending upon the type of display (for example, monochrome, color shadowmask, beam index, etc.), but all types are considered. 1.1 Purpose: This ARP describes the methods to be used in measuring those performance characteristics important for color and luminance use in direct view airborne electronic display systems. 1.2 Field of Application: This ARP defines three classes of tests. Each class of test is applicable to the different phases of a product’s life: for example, engineering development (Class 1), production/quality assurance (Class 2), and field service or flight readiness (Class 3). The test requirements for each of these phases differ and hence the test procedures for each test class may differ. Each procedure in this ARP is Class 1 unless otherwise stated. 1.2.1 Classes of Tests: Class 1, Laboratory Tests - Tests in this class are most appropriate in an engineering laboratory environment or as part of a certification program. The test in this class are the most rigorous and are performed by highly skilled personnel. The objective of tests in this class is to verify the design and, hence virtually every parameter is measured as accurately as possible. Set-up time, test time and test equipment cost are of less concern than in the other classes of tests because the Class 1 tests are not expected to be performed often. The procedures described are designed to employ basic laboratory instruments. However, these procedures do not exclude the use of task-specific instruments that are designed to perform the same measurements. Class 2, Production/Quality Assurance - Tests in this class are most appropriate for acceptance or end item tests, or both. The objective of this test class is to verify that every display has been manufactured/repaired within specified requirements. These tests may be performed often so test time and test equipment cost are significant considerations. Class 3, Maintenance/Flightline Readiness - Tests in this class are most appropriate for field service and flight line functions. The objective of tests in this class is to verify that the display has not degraded to below minimum required performance levels. These tests may be performed often by semi-skilled personnel in an environment where equipment must be highly portable and simple to operate. For tests in this class, set-up and test time must be held to a minimum. 1.2.2 Categories of Tests: The test procedures of this ARP are divided in to three categories: Geometric: Linear measurements Luminance: Visible light intensity measurements Color: Spectral measurements of visible light 1.2.3 Procedure Constraints: The test procedures in this ARP are designed to be performed under the following constraints: 1. Only visible presentations on the display can be measured. 2. No internal electrical measurements of the display can be made by external electronic test equipment (except through interface connectors provided for that purpose). 1.3 Measurement Equipment: 1.3.1 Equipment Type, Accuracy and Calibration: Photometric Equipment: All photometric equipment shall meet the following requirements: Photometer Calibration: The photometer shall be calibrated using methods that are traceable to NBS standards. Photometer Sensitivity: The full-scale sensitivity shall be 1.0 fL or less with a measuring aperture size no greater than 75% of the sample to be measured. Photometer Accuracy: The measured luminance of an NBS traceable luminance standard shall be within ±2% of the standard’s certified luminance. Photometer Sensitivity and Accuracy Verification: The full-scale sensitivity and accuracy of the photometer shall be verified using an NBS traceable standard of luminance set to a luminance value less than or equal to 1.0 fL and also equal to the known full-scale sensitivity value of one of the photometer ranges. Using a measuring aperture size no greater than 75% of the sample to be measured, the photometer’s full scale sensitivity shall be within ±2% of the value stated for the NBS traceable standard. Readout Resolution: The photometer shall have a digital readout with a resolution better than or equal to 0.1% of full scale (3-1/2 digits). Photometer Optics: The optics shall have the capability of providing a field coverage of between 50 and 75% of the sample to be measured while maintaining the 1.0 fL sensitivity requirement. Viewing System: The photometer viewing system shall be capable of aligning the measuring aperture with the sample to be measured to within 5% of the dimensions of the area being covered in both x and y axes. Viewing System Verification: A black card, with a hole in the center, shall be placed in front of a light source in such a manner that the smallest aperture of the photometer optics covers the hole when viewed through the viewing system. The card shall be moved back and forth in one axis orthogonal to the axis of the photometer until a peak reading is obtained. The distance (A) the card was moved from its original position to the peak position shall be recorded. The card shall be placed back in its original position and then moved back and forth in the axis orthogonal to the axis of the first movement and orthogonal to the axis of the photometer until a peak reading is obtained. The distance (B) the card was moved shall be recorded. The viewing system of the photometer shall be considered to be aligned accurately if both A and B are less than or equal to 5% of the dimensions of the area being covered by the measuring aperture. Polarization Error: The polarization error of the photometer shall be no greater than 1.0%. Polarization Error Verification: The polarization error shall be checked by placing a linear polarizer in the optical path between a standard lamp and the photometer and then measuring the luminance. The polarizer shall be rotated 45 degrees and another measurement shall be made. The polarizer shall be rotated another 45 degrees and a third measurement shall be made. The photometer shall be considered as having passed the polarization error test if the difference between the three readings is lower than or equal to 1.0%. Throughout the test, the alignment of the standard lamp with respect to the polarizer shall not be changed. Photodetector Saturation: The photodetector of a photometer must be linear, within ±1%, over the luminance range of use. To test for photodetector saturation, place several decades of neutral density filters of known attenuation, or other means of known optical attenuation between the light source and the photometer. As the attenuators are removed, one at a time, the photometer response should change in proportion to the calculated attenuation of the optical filters. If the response does not change proportionally, then photodetector saturation has occurred. The system sensitivity should then be adjusted either electrically or optically (using neutral density filtering) until the change is proportional. This adjustment may require recalibration of the photometer. Colorimetry: When colorimetric capability is required, the photometer shall be calibrated for the accurate measurement of the three primary and any secondary CRT colors. A means shall be available for the establishment of color correction factors for the photometer. The correction factors shall be established by measuring a source whose CIE 1931 x, y or 1976 u′ v′ values are known and whose spectral distribution is similar to the sample to be measured. Then, using the procedure provided by the manufacturer of the photometer, a correction factor shall be established for the sample after measuring the known source and establishing the colorimetric corrections resulting from the deviation between the source’s known coordinates and the results of the photometer’s measurements. These factors are applicable only to samples of similar spectral distribution to the source of known CIE 1931 x, y or 1976 u′ v′ coordinates. (See 4.3.3 for transformations between CIE 1931 and 1976 coordinates.) As applied to electronic displays such as CRTs, this means that a colorimeter correction factor must be determined for each type of CRT with a given phosphor set and optical filter and that correction factor is not applicable to any other CRT type. Spectroradiometer: If a spectroradiometer is to be used for any procedure in this document, it shall meet the following requirements: Spectral Response: The spectroradiometer shall have sufficient sensitivity to permit measurement of radiance levels equal to or lower than those listed in the following table and shall have a minimum spectral coverage of 400 to 720 nm with 380 to 760 nm preferred. The values listed below are for spectral bandwidths of 5 nm and a signal to root-mean-square noise ratio of 100:1 (for proper colorimetric measurements). The spectroradiometer meets the sensitivity requirements when the values listed below can be measured using an optical configuration that provides measurement intervals equal to, or less than, the bandwidth. {da5f0c8e6cd2a07db1b0daf83a5f02dc.jpg} Spectral Responsivity: The spectroradiometer shall be calibrated for radiance within six months prior to making a measurement. The calibration shall be traceable to NBS standards and shall be performed at wavelengths and intervals consistent with the measurements to be made. Calibration factors shall be supplied for any spectroradiometer configuration (optical, mechanical, etc.) needed to perform measurements listed in this document or the capability of the user to establish these calibration factors shall be documented. Wavelength Accuracy and Repeatability: The wavelength accuracy shall be within an uncertainty no greater than 1 nm. The accuracy is the difference between the wavelength actually being measured and the indicated wavelength. Wavelength repeatability shall be within ±0.5 nm. Wavelength Accuracy and Repeatability Verification: Verification of wavelength accuracy shall be performed by using a source of known emission lines that has at least one line between 400 to 475 nm (blue), one between 500 to 600 nm (green) and one between 650 to 750 nm (red). A spectral bandwidth configuration no greater than 1 nm is suggested for this test. The test may be performed using the spectroradiometer under automatic control of a computer. If this is used, the spectroradiometer shall be moved in increments less than or equal to one tenth of the bandwidth through the known emission lines. The test shall be performed at least twice for each emission line. The average deviation between the true and calculated centroid for each emission line may be no greater than 1.0 nm. This technique is recommended as it takes into account any wavelength correction inherent in the system’s software. The system shall be considered to have passed the repeatability test if, for each scan made, the measured peaks are within 0.5 nm of each other. Although not recommended, the test may also be performed by a manual scanning technique that provides the same accuracy and bandwidth as specified. The monochromator shall be positioned to obtain the peak reading at the wavelength of each of the known emission lines. The wavelength of the measured peak reading shall be recorded. The test shall be performed at least twice for each known emission line. The average deviation between the true and measured emission lines shall be no greater than 1.0 nm. The system shall be considered to have passed the repeatability test if, for each line tested, the measured peaks are within 0.5 nm of each other. Precision: The spectroradiometer shall have precision equal to or better than 0.1% of full scale on any measurement range. Zero Drift: During any given spectroradiometric scan, the maximum zero drift shall be less than 0.2% of the full scale reading on the most sensitive range, after the appropriate warm up period. A capability shall be provided to allow zero drift to be checked before any given spectroradiometric scan. Linearity: Within any given measurement scale, the linearity shall be ±1% of the full scale value. The linearity between any two measurement scales shall be ±2%. Linearity Verification: The linearity of the spectroradiometer shall be verified within six months prior to making a measurement. A source which covers the applicable dynamic range of the spectroradiometer and can be precisely optically or mechanically varied in intensity shall be used. The linearity shall be checked at a specific wavelength (to be determined by the contractor) which shall not be varied throughout the linearity check. The inverse square law may be used when a precision photometric bench is utilized. Dimming of the lamp through electronic means is unacceptable. The light source shall be adjusted so that a full scale reading is obtained on the spectroradiometer’s most sensitive range. The source shall then be increased in 5 x increments relative to the initial setting until the applicable dynamic range of the spectroradiometer has been covered. The output of the spectroradiometer shall not deviate from the output of the source by more than ±1% on any scale or by greater than ±2% between measurement scales. Stray Light: The stray light characteristics of the spectroradiometer shall not adversely affect the accuracy of the spectroradiometer. In general, the measured stray light using the technique described below shall not exceed 0.01%. Stray Light Verification: Stray light accuracy shall be verified within a six month period prior to taking a measurement. This can be accomplished by measuring the relative intensity of a known tungsten light source at a selected low wavelength. Then when an optical filter, with a sharp cut-off above that wavelength is placed in the light path and the measurement repeated, the relative energy should be some small percentage of the initial measured value. If that value is excessive, the false reading is an indication of stray light impinging on the low wavelength sensor of the instrument. Stray light accuracy can be verified by using a 2.5 mm thick piece of Schott GG 475 filter (or equivalent) and a tungsten source operating at 2856 Kelvins. The measurement shall be made at 400 nm. Position the spectroradiometer to 400 nm. Measure the source and record the relative intensity. Without disturbing the position of the source or spectroradiometer, place the filter in the light path. Record the relative intensity. Use the following formula to determine stray light: {2b1ceac8313c8de9d2d9082b6cc1d88a.jpg} The spectroradiometer meets the stray light requirement if the value for L s is less than or equal to 0.01%. Spectroradiometer Optics: See Spectroradiometer Viewing System: See Spectroradiometer Viewing System Verification: See Spectroradiometer Accuracy: The spectroradiometer shall be capable of measuring spectral radiance to within ±5% of that of an NBS traceable standard of spectral radiance at each 5 nm wavelength interval throughout the spectroradiometer’s spectral coverage. When measuring an NBS traceable standard of color temperature or chromaticity, the spectroradiometer shall yield 1976 CIE UCS chromaticity coordinates u’, v’ to within ±0.007 of the certified values. Diffuse Reflectance Standard: The diffuse reflectance standard is required for certain measurement procedures. It shall have a lambertian reflecting surface with reflectivity greater than 97.5% from 380 to 760 nm. The reflecting surface is recommended to be at least 2 x 2 inches. Such standards are made of barium sulfate or Halon, a fluorocarbon plastic. The quality of the white surface must be carefully inspected for cleanliness and homogeneity just prior to use. Reflectance Standard Verification: The reflectance standard shall be calibrated within a six month period prior to use. The standard shall be calibrated using techniques traceable to the NBS. 1.3.2 Units of Measurement: Linear Measurement Units: The units of linear measurement used in this procedure are as follows: millimeter (mm) nanometer (nm) inch (in) Mil (that is, thousandths of an inch) These units are related by the following equations: 25.4 mm = 1 in 1 nm = 1 x 10 -9 meters 39.37 mils = 1 mm Luminance Units: Luminance is the metric of measurement of light radiating or reflecting from a surface such as the face of an electronic display (see The units of luminance used in this procedure are the foot-lambert (fL) and the nit or candela per square meter (cd/m 2 ). To convert between these units, use the following equations: {c236c251c7698c584607fe33cf9db13b.jpg} Illuminance Units: Illuminance is the metric of measurement of light from a source such as the sun, that impinges upon a surface such as the face of an electronic display. The units of illuminance are the footcandle, lux, or lumen/square meter. To convert between the unit systems, use the following equations: {61cd882b7739bdb8b1bf0295aaefa9ec.jpg} 1.4 Monochrome/Multicolor Displays: Monochrome CRT displays have phosphor screens that are uniform over fairly large areas. Multicolor CRT displays usually have a structured phosphor screen to achieve multicolor performance. Test procedures for monochrome displays often are not applicable to displays with structured phosphor screens. Hence, the applicability of each test procedure will be identified as follows: (u) - Uniform screen (that is, monochrome, penetron, etc.) (P) - Patterned screen (that is, shadowmask, beam index, etc.)strRefField



Measurement of Color
Aircraft Display Symbology
Test Methods for Electron Tubes Method 5221 - Screen Intensity and Persistence Method 5226 - Line-Width Method 5231 - Spot Position Method 5248 - Deflection Factor
Design Objectives for Electronic Displays for Transport Aircraft
Design Objectives for Electronic Displays for Part 23 Aircraft
Minimum Performance Standard for Airborne Multipurpose Electronic Displays
1983 Glossary of Cathode Ray Tube Terms and Definitions


formula 1
formula 2
formula 3
formula 4
Line Width (LW) at H
Locations of the Lin
Equipment Setup Requ
formula 5
Determine Scale Fact
Determination of Sca
formula 6
Determination of Sca
formula 7
formula 8
A "Perfect" Pattern
Linearity Distortion
Keystone Distortion
Orthogonality Distor
Pincushion/Barrel Di
Geometry Test Patter
figure 1
formula 9
formula 10
figure 2
formula 11
figure 3
figure 4
figure 5
formula 12
Viewing Envelope - M
Viewing Envelope - M
Linearly Adjacent Ph
formula 13
Site Measurement Pat
formula 14
formula 15
formula 16
formula 17
Specular Configurati
Diffuse Configuratio
Diffuse Configuratio
Combined Diffuse and
Typical Integrating
formula 18
formula 19
formula 20
formula 21
formula 22
Relationship of Step
formula 23
formula 24
formula 25
formula 26
formula 27
formula 28
formula 29
Sample DD Form 1425


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