This document is a companion document to SAE AS4893 “Generic Open Architecture (GOA)
Framework Standard” and provides an overview and rationale for SAE AS4893. The GOA Framework
establishes an architectural framework to assist in the application of open systems interface standards
to the design of specific hardware/software systems. The GOA Framework standard is intended for
use by both system designers and system implementers in the development of open systems
architectures. It is intended that domain specific guidelines be developed to provide clarification for
application of the GOA Framework.
The Generic Open Architecture (GOA) Framework was initially developed by the SAE to provide a
framework which could be used to classify interfaces needed in airborne avionics systems. At the time
of the development of the GOA Framework, development of such a classification was considered
crucial to the application of open systems standards to military avionics. However, it was recognized
during the development of the GOA that the GOA Framework might be applicable to domains other
than avionics. For that reason the framework is entitled Generic Open Architecture instead of the
original name, Generic Open Avionics Architecture (GOAA).
This document is one of several documents contained within the GOA document set. “Introduction to
the GOA Family of Document Set”, SAE AIR5314, provides an overview of the GOA Family of
Documents. SAE AIR5314, the GOA Framework Standard, and this document make up the domain
independent set of documents within the GOA Family of Documents. These domain independent
documents are augmented with domain specific sets of document. The Domain specific sets of
documents consist of a Catalog of Preferred Standards document, Rationale for Catalog of Preferred
Standards Document, and GOA Guidance Document for each domain. The first domain specific set of
documents within the GOA Family of Documents being developed is for the aviation domain.
1.1 Purpose:
The purpose of this document is two-fold:
1. provide detailed explanation of the key concepts contained within the GOA Framework standard.
2. provide rationale for key concepts on which the GOA Framework standard is based.
1.2 Intended Audience:
The intended audience for this document is anyone that has an interest in using or understanding the
GOA Framework standard. This typically would include system engineers, hardware engineers,
software engineers, engineering managers, project managers, academia, and procurement
personnel. This document assumes the reader is familiar with the GOA Framework, SAE AS4893.
1.3 Document Structure:
This document is organized as follows:
Section 1: Scope - provides an introduction and purpose to this document.
Section 2: References - provides documents referenced within this document.
Section 3: GOA Framework Description - provides a description of the GOA Framework.
Section 4: GOA Framework Development Approach - provides an overview of how the GOA
Framework was developed.
Section 5: Examples - provides several examples of the application of the GOA Framework.
Section 6: Comparison With Other Models - compares the GOA Framework with other well-known
reference models.
Section 7: Compliance - discusses issues of compliance with the GOA Framework.
Appendix A: Overview of the Space Generic Open Avionics Architecture (SGOAA) – the baseline
documents for the GOA Framework.strRefField