This Standard is primarily intended to apply to new parts, but can also be applied to parts currently in
production. The Standard shall be applicable to all production processes that influence the variation of
Key Characteristics.
1.1 Purpose:
This Aerospace Standard is designed to drive the improvement of manufacturing processes through
adequate planning and effective management of Key Characteristic variation. The Key
Characteristic focus is intended to improve confidence for part features whose variation has a
significant influence on to end-product form, fit, performance, service life and manufacturability.
1.2 Convention:
The following conventions are used in this standard:
The words shall, will or must indicate mandatory requirements.
The word “should” indicates a requirement with some flexibility allowed in compliance
methodology. Producers choosing other methods to satisfy a “should” must be able to show that
their approach meets the intent of the requirements of this standard.
Words “typical”, ”example”, “for reference” or “e.g.” indicate suggestions given for guidance only.
“Notes” are used for additional clarifications.
Words or phrases with specific meaning pertaining to this document are capitalized and defined in
Section 3, Definitions.strRefField