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Liquid Cooling Systems
Liquid Cooling Systems
【范围】 This publication is applicable to liquid cooling systems of the closed loop type and the expendable coolant type in which the primary function is transporting of heat from its source to a heat sink. Most liquid cooling system applications are oriented toward the cooling of electronics. Liquid cooling techniques, heat sinks, design features, selection of coolants, corrosion control, and servicing requirements for these systems are presented. Information on vapor compression refrigeration systems, which are a type of cooling system, is found in Reference 1. 1.1 Purpose: The purpose of this Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is to provide guidelines for the selection and design of airborne liquid cooling systems.strRefField



A Guide for the Selection of Quick-Disconnect Couplings for Aerospace Fluid Systems
Performance of Low Pressure Ratio Ejectors for Engine Nacelle Cooling
Installation of Liquid Oxygen Systems in Civil Aircraft
Fault Isolation in Environmental Control Systems of Commercial Transports
(R) Cooling of Military Avionic Equipment
Aircraft Fuel System Vapor-Liquid Ratio Parameter
Liquid Propellant Gas Generation Systems
Gas Energy Limited Starting Systems
Aerospace Landing Gear Systems Terminology


Cooling Methods Vers
Direct Liquid Coolin
Indirect Liquid Cool
Indirect Liquid Cool
Liquid Loop/Heat Sin
Refrigeration System
Representative Liqui


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