This handbook has been prepared to support the applications of
MIL-STD-1773 systems. It has been written to promote good design
procedures and provide technical guidance for implementing,
installing, and maintaining a MIL-STD-1773 system.
To meet MIL-STD-1773 Users' needs, the following topics are
covered in the handbooks chapters:
Chapter 3. Media Design.
○ Parameters that must be specified to make bus terminals
○ Various topology choices.
○ System performance criteria such as Optical Power Budget
bit error rate (BER), and dynamic range.
○ Describes how 1773 fiber optic systems may be integrated
into electrical 1553 systems to produce a hybrid system.
Chapter 1. Background.
○ A short history of the development of fiber optic
technology and an overview of MIL-STD-1773.
Chapter 2. Components for Media Implementation.
○ Brief descriptions of components that may be used
in MIL-STD-1773 bus media implementation.
○ Relevant properties and features that should be
considered to optimize a design for its intended purpose.
○ Technical issues and available options are discussed.
Chapter 4. Electrical/Optical Interface Considerations.
○ Basic elements of fiber optic transmitter and receiver
○ Descriptions of active components.
○ Tests that measure circuit performance.
Chapter 5. Environmental and Performance Testing.
○ Table of environmental and performance tests compiled
from military standards and Fiber Optic Test Procedures
(FOTPs). These standards and FOTPs have been listed to
show the MIL-STD-1773 system user and designer the types
of adverse environments and conditions which the overall
system and fiber optic components roust withstand.
Chapter 6. Testing and Diagnostics.
○ Measurement methods that establish system performance
○ Troubleshooting methods.
Chapter 7. Media Installation Considerations.
○ Fiber Cable Assembly and Installation Considerations.
○ Lessons learned on the AV8B Harrier program.
○ Lessons learned during installation of a Fiber Optic
position sensing system on a commercial aircraft.
Chapter 8. Radiation Effects.
○ Provides pointers on the application of MIL-STD-1773 in a
nuclear radiation environment.
○ Overviews the effect of radiation on individual
Chapter 9. Terms and Definitions.
○ Definition of terms important to MIL-STD-1773.
○ Bibliography. The bibliography gives references used to
compile the information given in this documents
Appendix A. MIL-STD-1773.
○ The annotation describes the rationale used to arrive at
the standards requirements.
○ A copy of MIL-STD-1773 is attached for reference.
Appendix B. Example Fiber Optic Transmitter and Receiver
Development/Procurement Detail Specification.
○ Example detail specifications for modules appropriate for
either standard or enhanced Dual-Speed 1773 applications.
Appendix C. Design Example - A Missile Application.
○ An example of a detailed 1773 system design, based on a
missile application.
Appendix D. Implementing Multiple Speed Data Rate Transmission.
○ Further discussion of MSDRT.
○ Inclusion D-l. Presentation of a Proposed General
Specification Document for the implementation of a 1 Mb/S
- 8 Mb/S "Dual Speed" version of MSDRT.
○ Inclusion D-2. Presentation of a Proposed General
Specification Document for a "Distributed Switch Network
Using 100 Mb/S Fiber Optic Collateral Data Pipelines
Under Control of a MIL-STD-1773 Bus".
Appendix E. Static Fatigue Failure and Service Life of Large Core
Fibers in Avionic Platforms.
○ A discussion of the fiber quality issues and installation
parameters which affect the service life of fibers most
likely to be used in Avionics applications.
Appendix P. Reliability and Wearout of Light Emitting Diodes in
High Temperature Environments.
○ A discussion of the fabrication quality and test issues
that are critical to the determination and verification
of LED service life in a severe environment.