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Gland Design, Computation of Seal Squeeze and Gland Volume
Gland Design, Computation of Seal Squeeze and Gland Volume
【范围】 1.1 This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) presents two BASIC language computer programs to promote and standardize the computation of installed O-ring cross- section deflection hereafter referred to as "squeeze" and the computation of gland volume. The two programs were written with line numbers and without use of any system specific BASIC commands to allow usage with as many systems as possible with a minimum of editing. The programs support entry of customary U.S. or metric dimensions. The squeeze program, called SQ.BAS, has the following features: a. allows selection of either piston or rod gland b. allows entry of cap strip seal thickness c. computes minimum and maximum squeeze d. allows checking and correction of entries before execution e. allows viewing of output on screen before printing f. gives advisory messages for excessive stretch or inadequate squeeze g. allows on-line review of essential input and output variables prior to running program h. computes clearance between minimum gland height and maximum backup radial height when the backup dimension is entered i. program output is viewable on screen or may be printed out using either of two methods The gland volume program called GV.BAS, has the following features: a. allows selection of either piston or rod gland b. computes gland volume, O-ring volume and backup ring volume c. computes minimum and maximum percent occupancy d. allows viewing of output on screen before printing e. allows on-line review of essential input and output variables prior to running program f. allows entry of volume of a non-standard configuration or special seal such as a cap strip seal g. program output is viewable on screen or may be printed out using either of two methodsstrRefField



Aerospace Size Standard for O-rings
Aerospace Standard
Gland Design


Example Printout fro
Example Printout fro
Example Printout fro
Example Printout fro
figure 1
figure 2
formula 1
formula 2
figure 3
formula 3
formula 4
figure 4
formula 5
formula 6
figure 5
figure 6
formula 7
formula 8
figure 7
formula 9
formula 10
figure 8


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